Read the Printed Word!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

have to admit it. i just dont get it.. 

reading a commentary on coyotes in another thread and people kept whining how 'scary' a coyote is to them.. 

REALLY??? -- for heavens sake why??
jeez people.

i must admit i dont know why anyone thinks they are scary.. i love listening to them.
and if you listen closely you can tell the stories they are telling.. the chattering when they are hunting (which is what i think this recording is) the verbalization when they are with cubs, the singing under the full moon just for the sheer joy of singing (and the song competitions when other packs are in hearing distance. THAT can be AWESOME..
our best songfest we EVER heard was here in the valley & had at least 3 packs in 3 side by side canyons and the canyon walls made them echo.. was awesome.. -
they also eat vermin. like nasty horrid rats.... makes them good guys in my book
and truth tell when you hear them you know where they are..  - just be sensible and keep your cats & small dogs where they belong (indoors) and your chickens /sheep WELL penned.
THERE IS nothing scary to them and YES i have had VERY close encounters. and i treat them as i do ANY wildlife.. with respect. Common Sense ..and acting Non threatening.. 
(I might add have been FAR more frightened by out of control so called pet dogs!)
( i also dont go walking in their territory with a snack on a leash.. just saying)